Magi: The Labyrinth of Magic

Etymologies of Artemyra names
Here is a list of my speculations of the origins of Artemyra related names! There's no really confirmation for these, some are pretty obvious but others are more like guesses.

» Artemyra — Might be a reference to "Artemis", a Greek goddess of the hunt. She is the leader of the Amazons, a group of female warriors and hunters whose society was closed for men. Similarly, Artemyra is a country with warrior women in the lead and men in a lower position.
» Mira Dianus Artemina — Dianus could be a reference to "Diana", the Roman name of Artemis. Artemina seems to be another reference to Artemis. Mira is a common name with various meanings in different languages: Latin "wonder", South Slavic "peace", Albanian "kindness", and Sanskrit "ocean" or "boundary".
» Parsine Pratemia — Could be a reference to Barsine, a mistress of Alexander the Great, or the word "parthene", meaning virgin.
» Pisti — "Pistis" is Greek for faith, Greek myhotlogy personification of good faith, trust and reliability.

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